How to Transition to a Plant-Based (Vegan) Diet

Guides, Wellness

If you’re thinking about transitioning over to a plant-based diet or have tried before and given up, this guide is for you!

In the beginning, I almost quit. My biggest fears for adopting a plant-based diet was around missing out or giving up. Both were true in the beginning but five years later they’re now distant memories. I’m not going to lie, the beginning phase sucked. I was giving up my tried and tested (and loved!) recipes and replacing them with some terrible substitutes. This guide was born out of a desire to help others avoid that awkward beginning stage and instead put you onto the food-loving road to success!


What the heck is plant-based and doesn’t that just mean vegan? Errr yes and no. There’s currently not one definitive set of rules for plant-based but let’s try and sort it out ๐Ÿ™‚

/Consuming no animal meats or products (including, milk, cheese, honey, eggs, gelatin). Vegans also don’t engage or use anything that exploits or is derived from animals. On a side note, being vegan doesn’t automatically mean healthy, you could technically live off soft drinks, plain chips, and oreos.

/By and large refers to a diet that excludes all consumption of animal meats and products. Unlike veganism, it’s purely focused on diet.

/Follows the same principles as plant-based with an added emphasis on minimising processed foods and choosing whole grain options.


It’s good to establish ‘the why’ for wanting to change up your diet, as ‘the why’ will guide what meals you eat.

/For health – you’ll want to focus on a diet that avoids heavily refined foods and look more towards adopting a whole food plant-based.
/For animals – vegan doughnuts are absolutely still on the table ๐Ÿ˜›
/For the environment – you might consider an extra caveat of buying food that limits plastic packaging.

Note: I went vegan primarily for animals which means my transition and my current diet include some less than healthy options but on a whole, I found that becoming vegan forced my diet into a much healthier path (huge veggie increase!), it also dramatically reduced my weekly food bill and got me thinking in a more eco-friendly way as well!



Get yourself some nutritional yeast and sprinkle it on everything ๐Ÿ˜›
There are also loads of vegan cheese replacements. Every year they get closer to the magical cow’s variety. I’m not going to convince you they’re there yet but I’ll happily take an โ€œalmost thereโ€ to gain all the other great vegan pros!

Milk and butter?

It takes some time to adjust to new flavours. I’d say it took me around a year to think of almond milk as my standard milk and nuttlex on bread (or a creamy avo) as my butter substitute.

Tip: Since plant-based milks are often thinner in comparison to cow’s milk, I suggest not adding water to your tea/coffee to maintain the same creamy texture.


It’s true, a lot of milk chocolates are made of cow’s milk but more and more delicious vegan chocolates are popping up every day.

Tip: check the packaging on 70% (or higher) chocolate โ€“ they usually rely on cocoa butter and don’t contain cow’s milk. Plus dark chocolate has the edge on health over the milk or white chocolate varieties.


There are honey substitutes but I swear by maple syrup as a replacement. It’s not as thick but does a mighty fine job in your smoothies or swirled on top of muesli.


Going vegan will mean your health will be scrutinised. At the start, I found it confronting/weird but the concern made me want to seek out the truth and make sure I wasn’t going to die of malnutrition ๐Ÿ˜› I wasn’t, I’m now at my most healthy weight and spend less time fighting off illnesses. That’s my own experience and I employ everyone to do their own research. I do take a b12 supplement (harder to get as a vegan) but oddly enough in my twenties (as a full-blown meat eater) I was severely depleted of b12 anyway ๐Ÿ˜›

I hate fake meat!

You need to explore the wonderful world of mushrooms. ๐Ÿ™‚ I used to think mushrooms were restricted to buttons, portobellos, or tinned/dried varieties in the Asian aisle of my supermarket. If that’s you, then you have to try out oyster mushrooms. The king oyster varieties can be chopped into scallop sized pieces and when cooked in white wine + stock have a seafood taste/feel whilst regular oyster mushrooms have a more chicken texture/taste. The nice thing about oyster mushrooms is they don’t go soggy when cooked. The secret I’ve discovered is cooking the oyster mushrooms in stock for a few minutes, draining the liquid, and then frying the mushrooms in a super hot pan, producing a lovely seared texture – soooo good! Throw in some garlic and you’ve got flavour country!ย  If you’re interested in growing your own I’ve got a guide for that ๐Ÿ™‚

“What! Can I Only Eat Lettuce??โ€

The best advice I received at the start of my journey was to find five vegan meals you love. Over the years the availability and range of vegan food have dramatically expanded which means if you’re considering going plant-based you’ve joined the party at an excellent time! I will say, having a love of cooking is a plus but not a deal-breaker!

2 Must Have Staples

1/ Stock โ€“ Meat is naturally packed with salt/favour and veggies can sometimes come up short, basically, they need an extra helping hand! The massel stock brand is vegan and the โ€œbeefโ€ flavour is the best in my opinion! If health is your concern you have to be mindful of not overdoing the salt intake and consider other ways of adding in extra flavour (onions, ginger, garlic or the wonderful world of herbs and spices!).ย  Another trick is to oven roast veggies where they’ll pick up a lovely caramelised flavour ๐Ÿ™‚

2/ Sour cream โ€“ My favourite indulgent meals have a creamy base, think stroganoff, pasta, bakes, potato salad! To replace the tub of (cow’s milk) cream, I make up a cashew sour cream every week that lives in my fridge and is an absolute staple.

How: Soak a cup of raw plain cashews in water (overnight or use boiling water and soak for a few hours) drain the cashews, then pop them into your blender and cover over with new water, adding a sprinkle of nutritional yeast, salt and lemon juice and blend away! I eyeball the measurements but you can’t go wrong just keep adding until the taste is spot on for you – sooo easy!

What I Eat

(and what hopefully inspires you!)

As I mentioned before I didn’t go plant-based for health, my decision was based on my love of animals. I’m open to fake meats and not afraid of carbs so the recipes below reflect that. My recommendations might not completely align with your tastebuds but hopefully a jumping-off point for you.


Most of the ingredients of a burger (minus the meat patty) are already vegan, so this is an easy swap.

If health isn’t your guiding reason then get your hands on a beyond burger patty. These patties (and I know from experience!) can fool even the most die-hard, meat-eater, ๐Ÿ˜› If fake meats are off your menu, a quick google will show you loads of recipes for patties using chickpeas, nuts, grains, or mushrooms as their base ๐Ÿ™‚

Other Variations:

/Wraps (tofurkey for the win!)

/Burritoes (roast veggies and brown rice and avo!)

/Hot Dogs (There are some very convincing vegan sausages out on the market)

/Tacos โ€“ vegan mince, sour cream (see recipe above in staples), tomatoes, avo, lettuce, and vegan cheese


It might seem super boring but you can really jazz up a spud. I oven bake my potato for an hour then smother it in margarine, drown it in cashew sour cream and top it with garlic chives, some smoked garlic salt and some sort of plant-based bacon. It makes a great filling lunchtime meal.ย  My version is definitely not for the health-conscious but you could easily load it up with veggies (+ take away that margarine) and your good to go!


Since most pasta is plant-based (just check the package for eggs!) the variations are endless

Ideas: roasted cauliflower, capsicum, pumpkin, spinach (boiled in stock), garlic, onion, sundried tomatoes, roasted chickpeas (coated in paprkia + salt & pepper then cooked in a medium-hot oven for 15 minutes)

Tip: olives or capers instead of feta (for saltiness)

This is the first vegan pasta recipe I fell in love with – butternut squash linguine


What can I say, I’m a carb girl!

Things I love: avos, artichokes, red onion, capers, fake meat (tofurkey!)


Curries, stir-fries, pizza, couscous, soups, risotto, fried rice, laksa, salads, lasagna, sushi (for fillings: avo, cucumber, mushrooms) basically anything that isn’t simply a piece of meat on a plate ๐Ÿ˜›

TIP: I’ve learned along this journey that thereโ€™s a lot of smart vegan bloggers out there so if you’re ever missing a certain type of food, you just need to do a quick type into google.

For my inspiration feel free to check out my savory Pinterest boards;
Vegan Dinners
Vegan Snacks

Two Healthy Recipes that my meat eating friends love ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve been making this risotto long before becoming vegan so it’s meat-eater approved. It does take a while to cook (damn you risotto stirring!) but it’s always a hit.

A meal I make once a week that’s easy, healthy, and tastes good!


(Not for the health-conscious!)ย 

If you are starving for baked goodies, it can be simple to make them yourself. I’m confident you can veganise any baked recipe. Think about changing the milk to a non-dairy option, the butter to a vegan margarine and substitute the eggs – have you heard about Aquafaba?

Chocolate Cake
I use this recipe by Nigella, as my go-to chocolate cake

Vanilla Slice
Fool proof vegan vanilla slice

Cinnamon Rolls

My pinterest desserts board for more ideas



Christmas in Australia is all about the roast. I actually find Christmas the hardest time to be vegan (around others) because the menu list is so heavily meat-based (think ham, chicken/turkey, seafood!)

Every year I buy a vegan โ€œroastโ€ from the supermarket but I make it extra special. I smoother the log in stock, wrap it in spinach (alongside a few rosemary sprigs), and encased it in puff pastry, cutting out some stars for a festive look.

I also make a vegan potato salad using my vegan sour cream. (recipe above in ‘2 must have staples’) and a store-bought vegan mayo as the plant-based substitutes.

Other ideas:
/Starters: nuts, pretzels, dips
/Sides: roast veggies, salads
/Mains: lasagna, vegan roast
+ Don’t forget all the seasonal fruit too!

/Vegan Christmas pinterest board

Other Resources

/Find a local vegan food group. A big help was discovering the Australian Vegan Foodies Facebook group. A fantastic group for finding out new vegan products and supermarket specials. I’m sure a quick google will show up something in your area.

/Accidentally vegan โ€“ This list is by PETA and includes items you can buy at the supermarket that are vegan but arenโ€™t advertised as vegan. Here is the link to the Australian version.

/I also discovered the Vegan Mentor Program. I was already well into my journey when I found it but I imagine if you’re feeling stuck or finding the change difficult this could be the perfect resource for you.

Need more convincing?
/David Attenborough’s ‘A Life On Our Planet’
/Fork Over Knives


For 30 years I was happily in denial, eating meat and animal products that didn’t align with my values. Being vegan does align with my values and is easily one of my most positive, life-changing decisions. Not only have I noticed my health dramatically improve (I used to get sick a lot + dairy didn’t agree with me) I’ve developed more compassion towards animals, our planet and become a happier more thoughtful person in the process. Surprisingly I ate a pretty predictable diet when I had access to everything, having restrictions forced me to explore and (slowly!) be more adventurous.ย  Five years in, I can say with confidence that I no longer have the mindset of missing out ๐Ÿ™‚


Good luck – you’ve got this!

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