Interviewing Creative Folk /Claire Ritchie


Australian Artist Claire Ritchie stole my heart with her insanely happy artworks. Her style is her own, attracting a wide range of collabs, including wine labels, Gorman Playground (dream job!), Tsuno, Kleenex, chocolate packaging, her own line of socks and homewares + beautiful bright art for homes. I’ve loved seeing her technique (via instagram) of initially using posca pens which become bold and vibrant finished pieces digitally – so clever! In this interview rather than delve into the how-to I wanted to learn more about her drive, business, repeated motifs, and vision!

Big thanks to Claire for taking the time and letting us into her creative world 🙂


Image Courtesy of the Artist


01/ Did you set out with a vision to be where you are today – are you a big dreamer?

I’m a dreamer, I always visualize where I want to be and what I want to do- although it’s not obsessively locked in, I do let the journey take me the long way, through detours and reroutes. Things change and I continue to dream. I dream of making more art in the future.

Image Courtesy of the Artist

02/ Flowers are a repeated motif in your work, what draws you to them?

I like drawing flowers, they’re familiar and comfortable. They can symbolize so many of life’s states; fragility, joy, softness. They have to me as much expression as a human face. It’s always been my go to doodle, I always drew flowers and I still draw flowers. It’s as simple as I like doing it!

Image Courtesy of the Artist

03/ Has turning your creativity into a business come with any downsides?

When I’m not feeling creative I still have to run my business! I have to push through in those moments. Selling my work doesn’t come so naturally to me, it’s definitely something I have to try to be comfortable with. Like most people, placing value on my work, on my labor, can be really challenging, and very different to the creation of the artwork itself.

Image Courtesy of the Artist

04/ Does your creativity come from a higher place/genetics/past life or is it a matter of staying curious about the world and absorbing inspiration?

I do feel that my art is connected to my soul’s purpose, it’s a deep relationship that I balance with the material side. I’m constantly inquiring about the connection between the outer world and my inner emotions. To me my work is emotive and intuitive- so it’s definitely born of me but also in reaction to the world around me.


Image Courtesy of the Artist

05/ Did motherhood change your creative practice?

Absolutely. I was young when I had my first daughter, only 23! I think my creative practice came together after! Motherhood redefined it for me. I was really determined before that to study what I was passionate about. Becoming a mum helped me narrow down what I really wanted to pursue, illustration and textiles.


Image Courtesy of the Artist

06/ When days go pear-shaped or creative dreams that don’t pan out, do you have coping mechanisms?

If my day’s not going great I’ll finish my work early, in time to pick my kids up from school. I find their energy so grounding and really love spending time with them.
Take a walk in the wetlands, some meditation and recently I’ve been learning reiki. Which is new and been lovely so far.
It’s been nice to have many practices in my art, so if I’m drawing and not feeling it I can swap to sewing and give my more emotional practice a break!

Image Courtesy of the Artist

07/ Can you share your future vision (the big dream) view?

I think what I want is to keep sharing my work, so people can follow their own pathway as an individual. To me the biggest thing I see people struggle with is to be themself in life- many things make us doubt who we are. I hope to inspire people to realize themselves as unique and creative beings. How that looks in my art is my own release of original paintings this year. I hope it (the art) can make people think about these things, I want to make people happy too, and also help them question who they are and who they want to be!

Image Courtesy of the Artist

Where to find & follow Claire

Instagram: @claire__ritchie


Pinterest: @claire__ritchie

Image Courtesy of the Artist

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