6 Practical Steps Sensitives Can Do To Overcome Criticism

Emotions, Wellness

Gosh us sensitives feel those feels. I’ve put together this quick guide for beating the shame and ridding those unwanted thoughts and feelings from your system.


How are you feeling the criticism in your body?

I learnt this from Leo Baboa and it’s such a great perspective. Try and describe the sensations you’re feeling; is your face hot, are your hands shaking, is there tightness in your face or chest? Just be aware and bring curiosity to what is happening within you. When you realise the physical sensations aren’t threatening your existence, it brings power back into your moment. Thoughts are simply thoughts (that can change).  If you want to let the unhelpful, repeating thoughts dominate your day, that’s okay but realise you have the choice (at any moment) not to let them – you are in control of letting them go.


Often sensitives are highly creatively (we feel a lot!) so use those unwanted feelings to your advantage.
From one upsetting email, I drafted a poem that I was proud of.  Can you turn the experience into something productive?


Watch this funny clip now, go on do it. Maybe Family Fued isn’t your jam but you probably get the idea, just indulge in a little youtube blooper reels/comedy skits to get you laughing again. Dominoes and Cats anyone?


Get up away from that email, or that comment or even that person. Just change your space. I love showers for this reason, they’re a safe space where you can release tears and simply feel a different sensation upon your body. Nature is also awesome you can pay attention to tiny details or zoom out.  Look above at the different cloud shapes, breathe in, know you’re a dot in the universe and allow this view to put your own problems into perspective.


Such a hard one!

It’s all about them. Us weird humans have a sense that all eyes are upon us, that someone’s words towards us were targeted because we did something wrong and it deserved that level of response. Nine times out of ten that person’s response was elevated or miscommunicated because of them, not you. Can you picture this person hurting? Can you wish them a day/life free of suffering and then give yourself permission to do the same too. Life is too short everyone!


Try a jog or walk outside, cook something tasty (if that’s your jam) or if you’re really spiralling just throw some water on your face. Can you get some skin to skin contact with someone, a hug from a friend, an animal to pat. Can you water your plants or give something outside your own repeating thought, some love and gratitude? Can you youtube a yoga video or dance class? Move move move that body.

Bonus ideas to considers

\Will this matter in 10 years time?

Probably not. It’s a sting right now, but no one in your eulogy is going to mention that one time, some jerk criticised you and gave you all the bad feels.

\Do you want to grow stronger?

This person just gave you the gift of rising above, of learning to be less sensitive and stronger in mind, of letting go. You just had the opportunity to level up.  Life would be horribly boring if you just stagnated and never grew.

\Someone else’s opinion is not you

Whatever you’re being accused of, the accuser is not taking into account you as a whole. Your kindness, your integrity, how you live your life, the positive actions you do, they aren’t seeing any of that.

Can you let it go?

I’m sending you love and an end of this suffering you have found yourself in and ask that you try one more insane idea, a great big derpy smile 🙂

“Your life isn’t yours if you constantly care what people think” – Unknown

Credit: Erin Murphy Design for Hello Sunshine

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