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Free Aquarius Desktop + Phone Wallpaper


Time to celebrate the water bearer Aquarius, bringing life-giving water to the land. With supreme intelligence they have the ability to see all perspectives, striving to be the humanitarian force of good, dreaming up eccentric ideas to move forward with rebellious gusto. One of the most unique signs – unafraid to go against the grain.

Below you’ll find your free Aquarius desktop or phone backgrounds to download and keep!

I’ve also included some fun trivia on this air sign

Aquarius Desktop Wallpaper Download

View this page on your Mac. Right-click the above image and ‘save image as’ (make sure you save it into your ‘pictures’ folder). Navigate to your apple icon top left on your computer. Click and choose ‘system preferences’ then locate ‘desktop & screen saver’ click and navigate to your pictures folder where the image should be saved. Click the image to load it in. Hey Presto – you’ve just added an Aquarius desktop background!

View this page on your computer. Right-click the above image and save it to your ‘pictures’ folder.
Navigate to your ‘pictures’ folder, right-click the image and choose ‘set as desktop background’. 
Hey Presto – you’ve just added an Aquarius desktop background!


Aquarius Phone Wallpaper Download

View this page on your iphone.  Hold the image above and click ‘add to photos’. Next, go into your ‘settings’ icon on your phone, scroll down to ‘wallpaper’ and then select ‘choose a new wallpaper’ which gives you access to your photos and the photo you just saved 🙂 

View this page on your phone.  Hold the image above and click ‘download image’. Open up your phone’s ‘gallery app’ and find the photo you want to use and open it. Tap the three dots in the bottom-right and select ‘set as’ where you’ll have a range of options including adding it as your wallpaper.


all about the zodiac sign Aquarius


Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Sign before Aquarius (Capricorn: December 22 – January 19)
Sign after Aquarius (Pisces: February 19 – March 20)


Aquarius’s by nature have big visions, they are able to see the broad picture, step outside of the norm with detached observation. This air sign is often linked to science and technology, with high intelligence and they love staying up-to-date with new gadget releases. They see the life they want to manifest but aren’t attached to the future, rather are open to change. Because of their non-attachment ability an Aquarius may come across as cold but they simply don’t talk about their emotions, they do in fact want people to accept and see their true self . Linked with the weather, an Aquarius can make sudden or unexpected moves, they are rebellious and lovers of the shock value. Their intelligent makes them great problem solvers, dreaming up eccentric ideas. Their super power lies in not taking things personally and building community, whilst envisioning an utopian future for all.



The Aquarius symbol is zig-zagged ripples of waves or electricity.


Aquarius + Aquarius
It might seem dangerous to pair two Aquarians together but their understanding of each other and shared outlook make them a powerhouse couple. They can converse on a high level and share ideas without fear of being ridiculed or misunderstood. Plus, most importantly, they can be weird together 🙂 Portia De Rossi and Ellen DeGeneres make it work!


Fellow Air Signs (Gemini + Libra)

Wisdom, intelligent and the ability to see all sides makes for a rational pairing able to resolve conflict and avoid too much emotional turmoil. The air signs are also social lovers, never dull.


Aquarius is a winter constellation in the northern hemisphere, found near Pisces and Cetus, in a region often called the Sea due to its profusion of constellations with watery associations such as Cetus the whale, Pisces the fish, and Eridanus the river. Despite both its prominent position on the zodiac and its large size, Aquarius has no particularly bright stars, its four brightest stars being less than magnitude 2. Twelve exoplanet systems have been found in Aquarius as of 2013. Gliese 876, one of the nearest stars to Earth at a distance of 15 light-years, was the first red dwarf star to be found to possess a planetary system. It is orbited by four planets, including one terrestrial planet 6.6 times the mass of Earth.

Aquarius is identified as GU.LA “The Great One” in the Babylonian star catalogs and represents the god Ea, who is commonly depicted holding an overflowing vase. Ea was the ruler of the southernmost quarter of the Sun’s path, the “Way of Ea”, corresponding to the period of 45 days on either side of winter solstice. Aquarius was also associated with the destructive floods that the Babylonians regularly experienced and thus was negatively connoted. In Ancient Egypt astronomy, Aquarius was associated with the annual flood of the Nile; the banks were said to flood when Aquarius put his jar into the river, beginning spring. In the Greek tradition, the constellation represented a single vase from which a stream poured down to Piscis Austrinus. The name in the Hindu zodiac is likewise kumbha “water-pitcher”.

In Greek mythology, Aquarius is sometimes associated with Deucalion, the son of Prometheus who built a ship with his wife Pyrrha to survive an imminent flood. They sailed for nine days before washing ashore on Mount Parnassus. Aquarius is also sometimes identified with beautiful Ganymede, a youth in Greek mythology and the son of Trojan king Tros, who was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods. An alternative version of the tale recounts Ganymede’s kidnapping by the goddess of the dawn, Eos, motivated by her affection for young men; Zeus then stole him from Eos and employed him as cup-bearer. Yet another figure associated with the water bearer is Cecrops I, a king of Athens who sacrificed water instead of wine to the gods.

(Source: 1 / 2)

/FAMOUS Aquarians

Oprah Winfrey
Abraham Lincoln
Wolfgang Mozart
Michael Jordon
Charles Darwin
Jennifer Aniston
James Dean
Christain Bale
Justin Timberlake
Thomas Edison
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Elijah Wood
Paul Newman
Ashton Kutcher
Phil Collins
John Travolta
Christina Ricci
Alice Cooper
Sheryl Crow
Geena Davis
Robbie Williams
Heather Graham
Paris Hilton
Harry Styles
Alicia Keys
Chris Rock
Ed Sheeran
Kelly Rowland

Find more Aquarian celebs over here

Not an Aquarius? Find the other astrology backgrounds here.

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